I make things.


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CheeseBaron's News

Posted by CheeseBaron - July 19th, 2023

I aint got anythin to say

I aint doing anything useful really

Escaping responsibilities by having 3 projects at the same time because i cant focus on one

heres some stuff from them i guess






And thats all i can provide

Not enough content to live on, i know

What are you gonna do? Cry at me over the internet?

iu_1027285_7691551.gifiu_1027286_7691551.gif <------ They are father an son




Posted by CheeseBaron - June 8th, 2023

Remembered it exists and managed to 100% it. Yey.

Think its one of my favorite games on the entire website honestly. Good stuff.





Posted by CheeseBaron - June 5th, 2023

Just kinda really tired and bored these past few days. Unable to bring myself to actually work on anythin, not sure why.

This is just going to be reminiscing about ye olden days, primarily about how i kinda miss the simplicity of game maker. Godot, while much more powerful and versatile, is also much more clunky. Honestly just having a built in sprite editor where i could just quickly make up a placeholder sprite or two without having to open a separate program, and then save it as a separate file, and then open that file in godot, and then set the region correct if i made an atlas/add the animation frames if i made an animation sheet. This all just takes a while honestly. Same with coding some basic stuff, like a bullet for example:

Gamemaker: Create object, set speed in creation event, set to damage enemies on collision, and boom youre done.

Godot: Create a new scene, set up the area, collision shape and sprite nodes, set up the collision layers, make a vector and then make it move based on that vector, add a signal and a bunch of code to damage enemies when it hits them, and then fine tune that shit because you definetly did something wrong.

Not bad, im even kinda used to it, but it does feel much more sluggish than game maker. Dont really want to switch back to game maker because i preffer to endorse FOSS supremacy though, so whatever.

Oh also the new tile system in godot is really jank and a bit frustrating to work with (but hopefully will be fixed soon, maybe) so thats another point of annoyance.

Anyway, this is me mostly just killing some time cuz i have no idea what else to do. Have a good day.

Posted by CheeseBaron - April 24th, 2023

I draw basically no things worth posting here anymore i guess, mostly just dump them out on my deviantart and twitter.

Heres a bunch of them.

Oh also yea if anyone wants anything you can just ask and ill draw it when i get the chance and mood.









And thats about it, maybe ill have enough material for a part 2 at some point. And only after writing this i realised i should have probably uploaded this as a drawing and just put all the extras into there or somethin, too bad.



Posted by CheeseBaron - March 5th, 2023

Honestly i think its somewhat interesting that despite how many users newgrounds has, the "under judgement" games section tends to not have more than like 20 things per day and theres often noticable gaps between new releases that get front paged, youd think thered be a new hot thing every other day with just the sheer number of people. Though admittedly i dont check it too often so i dunno, maybe i keep missing those random days when 300 people decide its time to upload something all at once.

Also it sure is fun that on deviantart, where i preffer to browse/post art, i cannot find anyone with a style like mine, yet here everyone is quite similiar to me, but i dont browse the site because i really dont like the whole thumbnails thing. What a dillema.

Im just bored and kinda exhausted lately. This whole post is just me muttering random garbage.

Ive been very very slowly working on a project or two but im not quite feeling that spark that makes me hyperfocus on them to completion. Neither do i really want to do another game jam this (relatively) soon after the previous one. Just dont have any interesting ideas, and I FUCKING REFUSE TO MAKE A STUPID COPY OF VAMPIRE SURVIVORS, GOD AM I FUCKING SICK OF THOSE.

Have a good day!


Posted by CheeseBaron - December 25th, 2022

Completely missed that. Neat.


Posted by CheeseBaron - October 1st, 2022

Hello good people!

Today i was really bored so i decided to sit down and record some gifs of the lil unfinished prototypes i have, and now ill show them and talk a bit about them so you know what im working on i guess.

(NOTE: There seems to be some sort of issue with the half the gifs on here, causing them not to play, so you should check them out here)

Prototype 1: The Spaceship


Whatever this thing is! Since godot has very quick and easy access to physics i experimented a good bit with various physics based mechanics. In this one i messed around and tried to make a lil spaceship thingie that can fly around and rotate n stuff. Also messed around a bit with lighting and normal maps just cuz i was curious how itd look. I like this prototype and would like to make it into a game, but the problem is that i dont actually know what game to make it into. My current best idea is to turn it into some sort of package delivery simulator where youd have to fly around various cave towns and deliver things to places in a short amount of time. I very much want you to be disoriented by various nudges and bumps so i thought something that could encourage fast, non-careful movement would be pretty good. Honestly the biggest issue i see is that it can get quite nauseating, after i finished working on this thing i actually had a mild feeling of sickness.

Prototype 2: The FPS


One of my many attempts at making an FPS game! Ive tried many times but never got this far. Made movement, jumping, a platform to run around on and even a functioning gun! No enemies though as i had trouble modeling them and just kinda lost interest after that. There isnt much to add here, if i work on this more ill likely just turn this into a nice n simple arena shooter (think something like devil daggers or the cybergrind from ultrakill). But i think before anything else ill need to learn how to model properly because right now i completely suck at it (still proud of the gun model though)

Prototype 3: The Funny Angel Game


Ahhh... Nothing like another good ol top down shooter, innit? More specifically, a shooter about killing zombies in destroyed heaven. It is intended to be a clone of vampire survivors (because i played 20 minutes till dawn, and vamp. survivors grandpa, crimsonland (good game)) with a focus on more "harsh" mechanics, like a dynamic accuracy and limited ammo (because i played synthetik (good game)). More than that, i want to make the enemies receive upgrades alongside the player! Sadly im currently stuck with the levelup screen UI because i hate UI and any time i need to make UI the work speed slows down to a crawl. Ive also been a bit hesitant to work on it as a part of me feels like making yet another top down shooter is too bland and i MUST branch out instead of just making what i enjoy making! Did add a day/night cycle of sorts though so thats fun.

Prototype 4: Its basically just Mario Bros


Now heres a very nice and simple one, a classical-ish arcade styled platformer. Jump on an enemy to stun them, kick them to make em roll, and try to hit as many other enemies with that one enemy to gain more score (which is not implemented yet, heh). Theres really not much to say about this one. I wanted to have heavy movement (because thats how i remember all the old NES era games) and focus on a relatively simple ruleset inspired by Bubble Bobble and the original Mario Bros. Currently yet again stuck on the UI and also on making the level change once you defeat all the enemies (even though ive already made a system for that in a different prototype that comes a bit later). Also it took me like 5 tries to record this gif and i STILL died at the end.

Prototype 5: Hi @DecapiTATO


Good man, funny man, makes decent art, and is also somewhat of a friend of mine. We tried making this thing together somewhere in the beginning of summer but then life got in the way and we stopped. The main gimmick of this game is that enemies sometimes drop upgrade boxes, and if you pick them up your weapon gains the effect that is written on the box, so picking up E (explosive) will make your bullets explode or B (bullets) will make you fire more bullets, plus all of it stacks up to 5 times so you can get some messed up combinations. Getting hit or not picking up a box in a certain amount of time will reset all of your upgrades. I really like the idea and honestly i might reuse it in a different project at some point down the line.


Prototype 6: CHEST VORE!!1!


This game has a bit of an interesting start, as i begun working on it in the middle of making skullboy, while being in a hospital (funny thing: skullboy was also started while being in a different hospital). I made the basic few things like the player movement and some enemy AI but then abandoned it to work on somethin else. Now recently i have come back to it and touched it up a bit, adding different enemies, polishing the AI, effects, and even different levels that come one after another once all enemies are dead! (hmmm, i think i needed that for something but i dont remember what). The idea is that you play as a mimic monster, and you eat people to get their abilities as 1 time usables. Another thing is that i tried to make the enemy AI behave very vaguely like a human (think of something like the hired hands from spelunky), so its a pretty frantic brawl of everyone trying to kill you all at once while youre trying to eat them. Biggest issue with this is that because of the very specific AI (and the fact that i want to keep everything as a 1-hit-1-kill type of deal) its hard to really make levels that are more than just panic and murder, so im not quite sure if ill keep working on this. Currently just thinking about repurposing some things from it for a more generic platformer shooter thing.

AND Prototype 7: Spelunky but grid based


This funny fella really doesnt have much in it but im still including it here. The idea was to make some sort of spelunky inspired grid based game where things interact with other things, causing various effects and chain reactions. Currently im just not quite sure what direction to take this, originally i wanted to make it an endless roguelite type of deal, with levels randomly generated out of various small chunks, with you having to get through it all to the exit and go deeper and repeat that untill you die BUT i also think to truly explore its mechanics i should make full, concrete levels instead and turn it into a puzzle game, but i dont like puzzle games (because peanut brain) so im quite iffy about it.

Some final words:

So, if you have read through this down to here, now you know what ive been spending my time on. I would enjoy hearing some general opinions (or even feedback) about these little piles of code n art that ive made over the weeks and months, and who knows, maybe ill even finish one or two of these and turn them into actual games that ill then barf out onto newgrounds and itch.io with a 3.5 star rating :)

Hope you enjoyed this, and have a good day!



Posted by CheeseBaron - August 21st, 2022

Alright, these past week or two ive been working on the game, progress was kinda slow cuz school has started here and i need to get used to the brainrott again n stuff.

Anyway,This update includes:

-2 new subweapons (a chainsaw and a lantern that clears bullets)

-3 new items (glass bullet, bullet wallet and packed lunch)

-2 new late game enemies that will probably kill you.

-A new champion, Mr winkle, who becomes faster and more agressive the less health he has.

-A SHITTON of new sounds! The game has been lacking in audio for quite some time and i decided to finally sit down and mix up some more noises.

-Updated most large sprites. All of the old ones were placeholders that were never changed, untill now.

-And various small fixes and improvements.

I wanted to add medals but im just too tired of working on the game so guess thats not happening, sorry.

I shall now put down the game, unless someone finds some more dumb bugs. I have also joined a game jam as im writing this, so lets hope ill be able to make somethin interestin with that.

PLAY GAME HERE: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/850519

Have a good day!



Posted by CheeseBaron - July 27th, 2022

Just a nice and small update to take care of some lil things, as well as a very lil bit of new content.

- Signs above doors are not yellow and have text labels which should hopefully help with figuring out what they are.

- Game now pauses if it loses focus.

- Enemies now gain just a bit less health every loop.

- The volume of the sawblades slicing sound should now be a bit lower.

- Thunder ball and Gas can items now operate on their own timers, rather than being based on random chance.

- Added 2 new items - Fat heart which allows you to regenerate health, and Dry tentacle which extends your pickup collecting range.

- Added a new champion - the OVERSEER, spider/beholder-like thing that limits the arena with lasers and a constant barrage of bullets.

After this i think im going to take yet another little break, and then try to add some more actual content. Maybe even tinker with the newgrounds API to add some medals, well see if i have the time (or people have the demand) before the game inevitably gets buried heh. Either way after this ill likely try to work on something a bit smaller (hopefully).


or Download standalone version here if experiencing performance issues

Hope you enjoy!



Posted by CheeseBaron - July 17th, 2022

Cover art by @DecapiTATO


And so i have finally published this goddamn game project!

An endless arcade-ish top down shooter roguelite set in hell!


Some cool screenies:

iu_698404_7691551.png iu_698406_7691551.pngiu_698407_7691551.png iu_698408_7691551.png

This whole thing started out almost a year ago if i remember right, mostly as just some lil neat thing to waste some time and try to learn godot as i was in a hospital at the time.

Plans were big, too big if im honest, kinda forgot to keep it in check really BUT at least i realised that after some time and started greatly cutting down things and polishing up what was left, the current version is the result of that. I hope you enjoy it!

My current plan is to take a small break for now, then if a lot of people enjoy the game try to work a bit more on it and add some of the missing stuff, rebalance things, etc. Ultimately after i feel that the game is fully completed i will start to work on one of my many prototypes i have made over the time ive been working on this, since yknow working on one single thing for a whole year is really draining. I have a bunch of prototypes, some for big stuff, some for things i could probably finish in a month or two, some that arent even working games but just sketches on paper ive made. Well see whatever works and whatever ill enjoy working on, hopefully it will be nice and small so i could finish it in a month or two for a nice change of pace.

And that should be about it, have a great day!
