Rip grandma
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Rip grandma
Big fan of these sortof semi-symmetrical pvp games and this one was quite nice.
Id say i probably would have lowered everyones health a bit as sometimes the fights can drag on a bit as you chip away the last enemy 1-5 damage at a time, but even then it was pretty quick and exciting.
Also feel like its a bit annoying that the player moves slower than everyone else, so everyone can dodge your attack super easily but you have to dash to do the same, but id imagine its just there to give the AI more of a chance so eh.
Outsisde of those nitpicks the games pretty nice!
Damn its not opening for me for some reason :( (just see a black screen)
Fried sent some screenshots and it seems neat though
What were the requirements to participate? I would like to try whenevers the next time you do it.
EDIT: Oh refreshing fixed it yay
If you look at past announcements, maybe on OneDude20’s profile posts, there’s a discord link to be updated on future ones. Not needed to join the collab tho
Very fun B)
Напоминает Payday 2 немного
very cool and epic and amazing and legendary
At the end of the day you could always just say you were *inspired* by the game lol
They all look very nice and talented
I make things.
Joined on 10/27/19