Just kinda really tired and bored these past few days. Unable to bring myself to actually work on anythin, not sure why.
This is just going to be reminiscing about ye olden days, primarily about how i kinda miss the simplicity of game maker. Godot, while much more powerful and versatile, is also much more clunky. Honestly just having a built in sprite editor where i could just quickly make up a placeholder sprite or two without having to open a separate program, and then save it as a separate file, and then open that file in godot, and then set the region correct if i made an atlas/add the animation frames if i made an animation sheet. This all just takes a while honestly. Same with coding some basic stuff, like a bullet for example:
Gamemaker: Create object, set speed in creation event, set to damage enemies on collision, and boom youre done.
Godot: Create a new scene, set up the area, collision shape and sprite nodes, set up the collision layers, make a vector and then make it move based on that vector, add a signal and a bunch of code to damage enemies when it hits them, and then fine tune that shit because you definetly did something wrong.
Not bad, im even kinda used to it, but it does feel much more sluggish than game maker. Dont really want to switch back to game maker because i preffer to endorse FOSS supremacy though, so whatever.
Oh also the new tile system in godot is really jank and a bit frustrating to work with (but hopefully will be fixed soon, maybe) so thats another point of annoyance.
Anyway, this is me mostly just killing some time cuz i have no idea what else to do. Have a good day.