Honestly not too bad, maybe some ambient sounds would enchance the atmosphere a bit more. The lighting looks pretty cool. I dont really know what else to add.
Honestly not too bad, maybe some ambient sounds would enchance the atmosphere a bit more. The lighting looks pretty cool. I dont really know what else to add.
I read in a response that you spent just around 5 hours on this so i guess it makes sense for it to be pretty undercooked. The hearts dont seem to heal you, and after death the only way to restart is to reload the entire page which is pretty dumb. Also in the menu you dont see youre cursor which is even dumber. The art is ok, nothing too awful. Audio was ok too. Overall its nothing special.
I will admit now, this game isn't good.
I dont really have much to say about this game, its just alright. Though i think adding more sounds would be nice.
The concept seems pretty unique, at least i havent seen any other game like this. The graphics are pretty crude, though nothing offensive to the eyes. I feel like the players might be a bit too slippery and their momentum is not stopped by walls which is pretty dumb. Also i feel like there could be slightly more room for error with spikes. I noticed that there doesnt seem to be coyote time, though there is jump buffering. Overall i think it needs a bit more polish and then it would be great, but for now i think its somewhat mediocre-ish
Ngl this did make me laugh a bit, hope you guys at least had fun making it. But otherwise its nothing interesting.
thank you for honest review
Guys what is this loading time
Ok Its somewhat alright, the art is well made, and aside from stuttering (which you are hopefully are trying to fix) there didnt seem to be any glitches. The main theme might be a bit too loud in comparacent to the menu theme. There also doesnt seem to be any sound effects which is kinda dumb. This ones probably just me but i feel like everything is moving too fast to really understand what youre dodging, i just kinda assumed that it was road spikes, bombs, lightbulbs (that dont hurt you), and also trucks obviously. Maybe it should start out slower and then gradually speed up? Overall in my opinion the game is just ok, nothing offensively bad but also nothing spectacular.
This is kinda just raw honestly, the art that is used seems to be from 2 different sources so it clashes a bit, and also some sprites are stretched or shrunk so they look kinda not good. The player shrinks after ducking once (though i think the hitbox size stays the same). The camera is always offset to the left which is pretty dumb because in at least a third of the levels you are going left and the camera makes it harder to see what is in front of you. There is also no jump buffering or coyote time which are kinda essential for good controls in a platformer. Overall... do better.
Thanks for your Feedback CheeseBaron.
I agree to your points.
We got now a smooth camera. For the controls I extended the range, from which the player can jump on edges - good hints with the jump buffering/coyote time - I will look into that common elements.
Also the UI got a fresher look.
The art.. that seems to be an general thing to get into, where to find good art or maybe how to create it on my own..
Pretty nice! The art is alright, the sounds are somewhat punchy, though the music is a bit too quiet. I think that a counter telling you how many slimes you killed in a row without touching the ground could be very nice, maybe even multiply the score earned with that. The camera sway might be a bit much, though i got used to it in like 2 minutes. It might also be good to show the controls when you start a new game so people dont get confused, even if the layout is pretty standart. Overall the game is small but nicely polished, good job!
Honestly i feel like the camera moving when you hover near the edges is a bit awkward as a lot of times i was trying to pick up an item but i accidentally scrolled away, somewhat possible to get used to it though at least. Also the mop changed it bloodiness kinda weirdly, like when it was fully clean the item sprite showed up as covered in blood and vice versa. I feel like some more sounds would probably be good, though the ones that are in the game are pretty good. It would also be very nice if the game over screen showed some stats, like monsters killed, time survived, chocolate eaten? Someone pointed out that you cant seem to continnue after you run out of matches and tools so that seems like a problem, though i cant actually check for myself since im too bad to actually live long enough to run out of them lol. I think a teeny tiny spec of light near your cursor even when youre not holding a match would be good, since if the matches are in the dark you kinda screwed. Overall very nice :)
Not the worst but also like not the absolute best. Main problem is that the darkness feels kinda just tacked on, and not like a special game mechanic or something like that which is dumb, you might aswell remove it. Otherwise its alright i guess, ive seen worse.
I make things.
Joined on 10/27/19